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Aim. To study the particularities of diurnal arterial pressure (AP) monitoring in patients with chronic obstructive lung disease with bronchial-obstructive syndrome of different degree of manifestation. Materials and methods. Diurnal monitoring of arterial pressure was carried out in 109 patients with chronic obstructive lung disease of 2-4 degree of severity using GOLD-2010 criteria and 16 practically healthy subjects with forced expiratory volume (per minute) (FEV 1) > 80% of due values. The obtained indices were estimated depending on manifestation of bronchial-obstructive syndrome. Results. Marked bronchial obstruction is accompanied by hypertensive changes in diurnal arterial pressure profile. Among the monitoring indices, the most significant are dynamics of mean values and that of hypertension time index as well as degree of night systolic arterial pressure fall. Conclusion. Diurnal arterial pressure monitoring data in patients with chronic obstructive lung disease permit to predict development of not only arterial hypertension but of systemic bronchodilatation effects, as well.

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Copyright (c) 2013 Chudinova L.N., Khovaeva Y.B., Syromyatnikova T.N., Golovskoy B.V.

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