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Aim. To study the peculiarities of carbohydrate metabolism in the acute period of ischemic stroke. Materials and methods. Sixty two patients with primary ischemic stroke associated with arterial hypertension and free of diabetes mellitus in anamnesis were examined. Fasting blood glucose, immunoreactive insulin and C-peptide levels were determined. Insulin resistance was assessed using calculation index HOMA and coefficient Caro. Results. Increase in glycemia levels to 5,31 ± 0,68 mmol/l, C-peptide to 0,90 ± 0,31 nmol/l and decline in insulin level to 9,38 ± 4,34 mcME/ml was demonstrated. C-peptide to insulin ratio values were reliably higher in patients with severe course of stroke (by 35,6 %, p < 0,05) and unfavorable outcome of disease (by 39,6 %, p < 0,05). Conclusions. Development of ischemic stroke is accompanied by high blood C-peptide levels against the background of hypoinsulinemia and minor hyperglycemia. Manifestation of disorders correlates with severity and clinical outcome of disease.

About the authors

G I Izhbuldina



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