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Aim. To analyze the circulatory diseases morbidity (CDM) in the group of the population of Perm Territory (PT) taking into account the possible effect of ethnic belonging, urbanization degree and allele carriage APOE* ε 4 . Materials and methods. The averaged for the period of 2001–2011 annual CDM indices (per 1000 persons, further ‰) for the cities and regions of Perm Territory were analyzed. In the sample of Russian people of Priuralie ( n =164), the following allele frequencies APOE* ε 3, ε 2 ε 4 were stated. The corresponding data were obtained earlier for Komi-permyak sampling. Results. CDM in the rural regions with the Russian population prevailing was 26,2%, in Perm and other cities of PT – 17,3 and 19,6% in (difference between urban and rural population p <0,05). Maximum CDM was registered in the regions with prevalence of Komi-permyak population (villages 27,3%, Kudymkar 31,1 %). The share of allele carriages APOE* ε 4 associated with increased cholesterol content in Russian people of Perm Territory was 0,170, in Komi-permyaks – n 0,144. These frequencies are relatively high in comparison with the other groups of Russian people and European populations. Elements of self-preservation behavior are weaker expressed in the population of Perm Territory with a relatively low educational status and in rural population. Conclusion. The population of Perm Territory has a comparatively high share of allele carriages APOE* ε 4 being a risk factor for cardiovascular pathology. The contribution of medicogenetic, cultural and economic factors into CDM of the population of Perm Territory needs special study.

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Факторы риска болезней системы кровообращения в различных группах населения Пермского края


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