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Aim. To clarify the peculiarities of postnatal reduction of weight in patients with different levels of gestational body weight growth (GBWG). Materials and methods. Prospective cohort study included 118 patients: 25 with insufficient GBWG, 43 – with recommended GBMG and 5 – with excessive GBWG. Anthropometric measures (body weight, cutaneous adipose fold thickness) were fulfilled when registering pregnant women in the first trimester of gestation, on the 3 rd day and 3, 6, 9, 12 months after the delivery. GBWG level was assessed according to “The Guidelines on Pregnancy Weight Growth” depending on the initial body weight index (BWI). Results. While carrying out a multifactorial analysis with exclusion of BWI influence, reliable correlation between GBWG and the postnatal body weight reduction ( p =0,000, p =0,000, p =0,000 and p =0,011 – 3, 6, 9 months and a year after the delivery, respectively) was revealed. With the recommended GBWG, the initial weight is restored by the 9 th month after the delivery and with the insufficient one – immediately after the delivery. With the excessive GBMG, the weight is reduced slower and in a year after the childbirth 22% of women have > 5 kg and 14,0% – > 10 kg. Excessive GBMG promotes additional accumulation of fatty tissue in pregnancy and its incomplete reduction after the delivery. In a year after the delivery, percentage of a fatty body weight with excessive weight growth is significantly higher than with the recommended one ( p =0,018). Conclusion. GBWG within the recommended values is accompanied by an adequate restoration of weight by the 9 th month after the delivery irrespective of woman’s pregravid status. Insufficient weight growth leads to faster (just immediately after delivery) return to the initial weight. Excessive body weight growth in pregnancy is a risk factor for delayed postnatal reduction.

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About the authors

V N Pokusaeva



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