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Aim. To assess the health parameters in preschool and schoolchildren with acute and chronic respiratory diseases using functional methods of investigation. Materials and methods. Functional testing of 143 children (aged 5-15) divided into two groups was carried out. Group I joined 22 children with recurrent acute diseases of the upper and lower airways (RAD UaLA) and 20 patients with bronchial asthma (BA). Group II included schoolchildren: 45 – with RAD UaLA, 42 – with BA. The following methods were used: anthropometric, functional, quantitative assessment of physical health status (PHS), general capacity for work (GCW), estimation of adaptation abilities by means of adaptive potential (AP) and endurance coefficient (EC). Results. Anthropometric data indicate prevalence of children with body deficit among patients with RAD ULA and body weight excess among patients with BA, irrespective of age. According to physiometry data, children with RAD UaLA more often than BA patients demonstrated low parameters of respiratory and strength tests. More than a half of preschool children with RAD UaLA had low PHS parameters and significantly lower adaptive abilities of the body with regard to AP and EC. Conclusion. Children with respiratory diseases, irrespective of nosologic form, should have a corrected diet and/or nutritive support, should strengthen locomotor system, elevate physical readiness and reserve abilities of respiratory and cardiovascular system of the body. The initial physical health status assessed in preschool and schoolchildren with acute and chronic respiratory pathology using functional methods of investigation will permit to understand deeper the causes of their “ill health” and to develop an individual complex of rehabilitation measures.

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Оценка показателей физического здоровья детей дошкольного и школьного возраста с острой и хронической респираторной патологией с помощью функциональных методов исследования


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Copyright (c) 2013 Kuzina E.N., Mozzhukhina L.I., Kondratieva G.A.

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