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Aim. To optimize assessment of the efficiency of preventive service in pediatric district. Materials and methods. Sociological survey of 200 parents and medical staff was carried out for reaching the aim. The real status of preventive service at the example of 366 children of the first year of life who were rendered medical care at children’s polyclinics of Municipal Budgetary Institution of Public Health “City Children’s Clinical Polyclinic №1” (CCCP) of Motovilikhinsky region of the city of Perm was studied. Functional model of district pediatrician’s activity regarding work with children of the first year of life was worked out. Results. Analysis of sociological survey showed that positive assessment of preventive activity conducted at children’s polyclinics was given only by 26% of parents, negative – by 14%, no estimation – 60%. Only a quarter of pediatricians and half of nurses gave satisfactory estimation of preventive activity in their district. At the same time, the share of preventive service in the actual volume of district pediatrician’s activity was 25-30%. Preventive activity quality criterion used for estimation of the efficiency of district pediatrician’s work permitted to reveal the reasons of the existing drawbacks and to change organization of preventive service at children’s polyclinic. Organizational and functional computer model for assessment of the activity of district pediatrician was created. Practical introduction of this system into the work of CCCP allowed to improve the quality of rendering preventive care to children and to widen its actual volume in the common activity of district pediatrician by 25% (25 to 50%). Conclusion. The developed model of district pediatricians’ activity regarding their work with children of the first year of life contributes to raising the quality of preventive service that positively influences health status of early age children.

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About the authors

A N Senyushkin

Email: permgdkp1@yandex.ru


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Copyright (c) 2013 Senyushkin A.N.

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