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Aim. To assess the manifestation and dynamics of psychopathological symptoms by positive and negative symptoms scale (PANSS) in 82 patients with schizophrenia and disturbances of schizophrenic spectrum undergoing a course of compulsory treatment at the mental hospital of general type taking into account gender peculiarities. Materials and methods. The results of observation of 62 patients undergoing a course of treatment at the mental hospital of general type were studied. Paranoid form of schizophrenia prevailed irrespective of a gender composition. Manifestation and dynamics of psychopathological symptomatology was assessed using PANSS. To register the data, PANSS signs reflected in three subscales (positive, negative and general pathological) as well as total summary score were applied. The data were estimated at the beginning of hospitalization and at the moment of discharge from hospital. Results. Manifestation of psychopathological symptoms at admission to hospital was significantly higher ( p <0,001) in female patients (69,2±12,9 in women and 58,8±10,0 in men), predominantly at the expense of positive and general pathological symptoms. At the moment of discharge form hospital, women had a reduced manifestation of positive and general pathological symptoms with a reliable difference ( p <0,001) as compared to the admission symptoms. Among men, in spite of decreased PANSS values, this dynamics was less evident. By the moment of discharge from hospital, manifestation of general pathological symptoms in women (29,5±3,9) was higher than the analogous indices in men (25,6±5,3) with a reliable difference ( p <0,001). Conclusion. The reached relapse of mental disorders is one of the necessary conditions for assessment of the efficiency of compulsory treatment, however, it is not the only efficiency criterion. Individual-psychological peculiar features and social setting taken into account are not less important.

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Динамика психопатологических симптомов у больных с расстройствами шизофренического спектра, проходящих принудительное лечение в психиатрическом стационаре общего типа

About the authors

N B Zakharov

Email: nb_zakharov@mail.ru


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