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Aim. To study the impact of Ur. urealyticum on the course of pregnancy and labour depending on the degree of infection. Materials and methods. Complex laboratory examination of pregnant women was performed to reveal significance of ureaplasmic infection. Ureaplasmosis was diagnosed using indirect methods of diagnosis - polymerase chain reaction, quantitative bacteriological analysis. Results. As a result of analyzing the course of gestation period, it was detected that women with ureaplasmosis more often had complicated pregnancy and threat of abortion at all terms of gestation. Fetoplacental insufficiency was more often observed in women infected with Ur. urealyticum in the concentration of ³104 KOE/ml. Miscarriage occurred more often in case of infection with Ureaplasma urelyticum . Conclusions. The course of gestation in women with ureaplasmic infection is characterized by greater occurrence rate of complications.

About the authors

T A Melnikova



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