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Aim. To carry out the analysis of body mass in newborns presenting different by urbanization degree groups of Perm Territory population. Materials and methods. In Perm Territory, newborn body mass (NBM) was analyzed by WHO criteria. Open materials of RF Social Insurance Fund database were used. The data concerning 14561 children from 14 settlements (city agglomeration, large cities, middle and small towns) born from 01.01.2007 to 01.01.2008 were included. Results. The NBM in subsamples for each of the types of the population is within the «desired» range of fluctuations of WHO «weight-for-age» index. Mean NBM without birthplace taken into account corresponds to 51,9 centils (WHO standards). Mean NBM values by subsamples according to birthplace are grouped into three reliably different clusters: 1) infants of city agglomeration, 2) infants born in cities, 3) infants born in middle and small towns and villages. Conclusion. The obtained data prove dependence of the body mass at birth on the size of settlement. The live-born body mass should be estimated as satisfactory in Perm Territory.

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Масса тела новорожденных Пермского края, проживающих на территориях разной степени урбанизированности

About the authors

A I Kozlov


G G Vershubskaya


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