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Aim. To reveal the most significant factors influencing development of unfavorable perinatal outcomes and to assess the efficiency of drugs administered to pregnant women for their prevention. Materials and methods. On the basis of retrospective analysis of medical documents belonging to 34 women with physiological and 255 patients with complicated course of gestation, risk factors for development of unfavorable fetal and newborn outcomes (perinatal mortality, congenital malformation and hypoxia at birth) and effect of drugs administered to pregnant women were analyzed. Results. Among the factors increasing the risk for development of unfavorable fetal and newborn gestation outcomes, the most significant and early detected ones were chronic somatic, gynecological as well infectious and inflammatory diseases revealed during pregnancy. Out of traditionally administered to pregnant women drugs, the most evident positive effect on perinatal outcomes was connected with use of drugs for vaginal sanation, immunomodulators, disaggregants and actovegin (pyracetam). Early administration of any drugs permitted in pregnancy notably decreased the risk for newborn perinatal mortality and hypoxia. Conclusions. Among the examined patients, the most significant and early detected risk factors for development of unfavorable fetal and newborn outcomes are chronic infectious-inflammatory diseases diagnosed before and during pregnancy. Decrease in risk for unfavorable perinatal outcomes is connected with administration of drugs for vaginal sanation, immunomodulators, disaggregants and activegin (pyracetam) as well as early onset of therapeutic and preventive measures.

About the authors

V V Skryabina

Email: skryabina-vv@mail.ru


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